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Door Installation in your NYC apartment

Euro Window LLC offers the Veka Euroview 70 DS, a premium window and door system designed specifically for commercial applications. This system combines the advantages of PVC with the structural requirements of commercial projects. Engineered with European expertise, the Euroview system stands out as one of the highest-performing windows available today.

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Tilt and Shower Doors in your apartment

The VEKA Tilt and Turn window is a versatile window solution that offers multiple functions for your convenience. Designed to provide ventilation, security, emergency egress, and easy cleaning, this window is a practical choice. With its single handle operation, you can easily operate the window. By turning the handle 90°, the window swings inward, allowing for easy access and cleaning from inside the room. For enhanced safety, the turn function can be key operated. By turning the handle 180°, the window tilts inwards, securely positioning it at the top to…